
What’s New About Newsletters?

Or there is more than one way to get Oracle updates?

1-Minute (or Less) Summary

Oracle is a large company with lots of products and moving parts. Updates can be posted in a number of places, and it isn’t always easy to keep up with the flow of all that information. The Oracle Database newsletter give you a summary of the news you need to know.

The Whole Story

We are all faced with a rapid, and seemly accelerating, flow of information that comes across to us. We all have many sources of important information, including all about the Oracle Database, that come across to us. But, do we have time to keep up with everything?

No way! It is probably not even valid to try. I rely on a number of sources that summarize the information that is important to me in my day-to-day life, like the Ambidextrous Dexterity Championships and the International Society for Explaining Things in Long-Winded Fashion Without Pausing for Breathing. Without those newsletters, I simply would not be able to keep up.

So, how can I help you? I can give you two excellent newsletters for Oracle Database to which you can subscribe for the latest updates on all things Oracle Database or Oracle Database application development (which is dev done using SQL, PL/SQL, or APEX). Here are the links.

Go subscribe. Save yourself some time. Get what you need. And, have more time to follow those things that give you work-life balance.

For the record, in the Ambidextrous Dexterity Championships, I am cheering for the English team… GO WEMBLEY WOBBLERS!!!

The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle. I am an Oracle Consulting User Assistance Developer in the Oracle Database Development team.