Oracle UA

Even Betterer and Morer Graphics

Or, you want more? I’ll give you more! More graphics, this is! Just maybe not with better grammar.

1-Minute (or Less) Summary

The Oracle Machine Learning team published an interactive diagram to help you understand the Oracle Machine Learning processes and components. You can find this interactive poster at:

The Whole Story

I recently added a post about Oracle UA’s Interactive Technical Architecture Diagrams. If you didn’t read that post, I’d encourage you to do so. You can read it here.

NOTE: Yes, I repeated the link twice. This is intentional. There is a saying that, “Twice is once, and once is none.” Then again, that saying is generally associated with U.S. Navy SEALs and explosives. So, maybe I am not blowing something up. OR MAYBE! I am blowing your mind. Hmmm….

In the post, I spoke about more diagrams to come. Well! I wasn’t lying. I knew more diagrams were being worked on by the UA teams. I just don’t know when they will be published, in what order, by whom, or what they will say. Basically, I don’t really know anything. Well, except that there will be even more of them.

The Oracle Machine Learning UA team published an interactive poster. You can find it at:

The UA team behind this interactive poster is lead by Suresh Rajan. His email is Drop him a note if you like the work that he and his team have done. If nothing else, feel free to just send him some kudos.

I hope you find this useful. I certainly did. AND! If nothing else, these diagrams make great fidget toys where you can just click around and do things. Heck! You might even learn stuff just by occasionally reading the stuff you are clicking. LOL! Enjoy!

The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle. I am an Oracle Consulting User Assistance Developer in the Oracle Database Development team.